RIVERSIDE The do and don of flying drones will be the focusof a seminar planned next week by officials from Riverside Municipal Airportand area public safety agencies.
use of unmanned aircraft systems, or drones, is increasingrapidly, both among people who have varying levels of aviation experience andwith people who have never flown anything before, said airport Manager Kim Ellis. there has not been a corresponding level of public education aboutwhat drones can and cannot do, so this seminar is very timely. three hour event is scheduled the morning of Dec. 5 at WallaceTheatre at Cal Baptist University. The event is free and open to the generalpublic.
Unmanned aerial vehicles have become a multi million dollar industry,with mini UAVs selling for less than $200 and larger models, with greater rangeand carrying capacity, selling for thousands.
At the same time, LED Table Lamps the remote controlled craft have raised privacyconcerns and posed a threat to some public safety operations.
During the Legislature most recent session, a bevy of bills seeking toclamp down on drone use were vetoed by Gov. Ted Gaines, R Redding, which sought to establishpenalties against drone users for knowingly flying their devices into locationswhere firefighting aircraft are operating.
A Senate analysis of SB 168 noted that the federal Modernization andReform Act of 2012 established parameters for the use of commercial drones, butoffered little in the way of hard rules for flying private UAVs, which areloosely regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration.
The agency prohibits drones around airports or in areas with temporaryflight restrictions.
READ:Military and business interests press for area to be declared test range for drone aircraft
really no such thing as a typical drone user, so the need foreducation is definitely there, LED Table Lamps Ellis said. range from people who have decades of experience flying full sized aircraft to hobbyists who have lots of experience flying model planes topeople who just bought a drone and want to jump into the world of aviation onan affordable scale. former Ontario International Airport executive said the seminar willoutline reasonable parameters for drone operations that should benefit usersand critics alike.